Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards recognises innovation in air cargo

ByTravelling For Business

November 9, 2022
Leading-air-cargo-charter-business-CharterSync-is-celebrating-winning-‘The-Technology-Innovation-Award’-at-the-Lloyds-Bank-British-Business-Excellence-Awards-ceremony.Leading air cargo charter business CharterSync is celebrating winning ‘The Technology Innovation Award’ at the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards ceremony.

Leading air cargo charter business CharterSync has won ‘The Technology Innovation Award’ at the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards.

The award celebrates businesses using innovative technology to drive growth and ensure the UK remains at the forefront of the tech evolution. The win by CharterSync points to the critical role the air cargo sector played during the pandemic as a lifeline for society, delivering critical medical supplies across the globe and keeping international supply chains open.

CharterSync’s entry into the awards outlined its ability to significantly speed up the air cargo charter process during the pandemic. It quickly and efficiently delivered and distributed COVID-19 test kits and essential personal protective equipment (PPE) from China into the UK, demonstrating its value as a vital link in the supply chain and global recovery.

CharterSync also supports the UK automotive industry by accelerating time-critical supply chains for the major vehicle manufacturers and OEMs. It uses intuitive digital technology to match unutilised aircraft capacity and optimise delivery times, minimising delays for goods moving intra-Europe and across the Channel.

Ed Gillett, co-founder, and director, CharterSync, says: “CharterSync was founded based on our belief that the air freight market was being held back by slow, outmoded, manual legacy booking systems and that digital transformation could unleash the sector’s potential. It’s a real honour to have won the Technology Innovation Award, which truly celebrates exactly what we set out to achieve in launching CharterSync.”