Hydrate Yourself, Hydrate the World

Andrea Thompson

ByAndrea Thompson

January 28, 2025

One Water has a range of hydration supplements, as well as a bottled water range. Everytime you buy a product from One Water, money goes towards clean water projects around the world via The One Foundation.

In 2024, the foundation hit the £30m in donations milestone through retail partners such as Co-Op, Sainsbury’s, World Duty Free, Starbucks and Holland & Barrett, helping 5 million people access clean and safe water. One Water is carbon neutral certified, a signatory to the UN Global Compact and B-Corp certified.

Hydrate yourself, hydrate the world: purchase hydration supplements from One Water, and contribute to clean water projects globally! To use, simply pop One into a glass of water for fast, on-the-go, healthy hydration or an extra energy boost. Each compact pack is 100% recyclable and handy to keep with you. Your body will thank you and so will those who you support every time you choose One. We have lots of news coming up in 2025, so let me know if you’d like to be updated as we go.


  • Contains 12 key vitamins and minerals
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • Sugar free
  • Caffeine free

For healthy hydration and a little extra boost, pop the Energising One into a glass of water. The effervescent tablet contains magnesium and vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, and more to help your body generate energy and reduce tiredness and fatigue.


  • Contains electrolytes
  • Supports optimum hydration
  • Hypotonic solution
  • Low calorie

This effervescent hydration supplement is packed with electrolytes to support your wellbeing. Dissolve One in a glass of water for healthy hydration throughout the day.